Thursday, December 9, 2010


HOODBOI is a an entity consisting mostly of 3 friends. Tshidiso Tex Tshipe, Thapelo Jay Louis Tshimo and Ted Ozi Phaphane. It started in high school, they basically organize Hip Hop events and they go out there to find opportunies for their artist e.g Ozi F Teddy. Hoodboi also sells and distribute T-shirts along with Ozi F Teddy's music. This relationship of young determined go-getters started in high school as a rap duo. later on the other members dropped the rap "thing " and decided to push the main artist- Ozi F Teddy. Ozi is the rapper/actor/enterprenuer, Jay Louis is the manager and Tex is the assistant manager/promoter. Thats HOODBOI
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