Wednesday 18th December 2013 marked a very special
day for Botswana Hip Hop as
Ozi F Teddy got Crowned. The eTV Shiz Niz mixtape King.
Ozi entered into the competition on the 9th of October
and came out on top in all the rounds to finally make it to
the Finals.
The Finalists (incl. Prow-ject &Young King) were judged
on Freestyle ability, Perfomance and Song. The judges for the competition included the likes of
Shugasmax, 37mph & Dj Milkshake.
Ozi F Teddy took to the stage with his song
"God of rap". By a unanimous decision from the judges,
Ozi F Teddy was selected the winner & the new Shiz Niz mixtape King.
Ozi F Teddy is currently putting the finishing touches
to his next studio project in Johannesburg South Africa.
He is also embarking an edutainment tour around Botswana through his
DreamChasers program, to motivate & inspire
the youth to work hard & be the best they can possibly be.
1. SHIZ NIZ is SA’s first teen HIP HOP TV show
2. Before becoming ultra-famous, Da Les presented on Shiz Niz
3. Pro Kid was spotted on SHIZ NIZ by EMI and the rest is history
4. AB Crazy’s career was launched on SHIZ NIZ when he won the Mixed Tape King Competition
Catch SHIZ NIZ Wednesdays at 4PM and Repeats Sundays 9.30AM.
For Management & Bookings Contact
Botswana: +26775634077 / +26771966545
South Africa: +27720535594
Ozi f Teddy @OzifTeddy Ozi f Teddy
Music Is Available on iTunes &